Since Anne Hathaway’s trainer, Monique Eastwood, shared 10 game-changing insights into Anne’s full workout plan with us, we’ve taken as many tips as we can from Monique’s Instagram page.
Most recently, she shared a three-minute plank challenge from the ‘Monique Eastwood Movement Method’ that she tells IndyBest is ‘an efficient way to work your core’. Using only one exercise, the sequence starts in a high plank and moves into:
- Toe taps to knee hovers, with one foot crossed over the other and arms extended: 10 x each side
You begin in a high plank, tapping one foot out to the side while keeping your hips square. Bring your foot back and hook it over the heel of the other foot. Then, bend both knees and hyperextend your arms to push back before returning to a high plank, where you should unhook your foot. That’s one rep. Continue until you reach 10 reps, then switch to the other side.
Monique says the challenge provides ‘an all-over workout,’ adding that by placing one leg on top of the other, ‘the sequence also activates the inner thighs and challenges the core and pelvis, as you only have one stable leg while moving forward and back. The side tap activates the obliques more, as does having to keep your trunk stable as you move the leg out and back.’
But results will only come if you perform the plank with proper form, Monique caveats. She says that most people put too much emphasis on their shoulders, and don’t activate their glutes or legs. You should aim to feel equal effort across your legs, glutes, core and shoulders. Do that, and you’ll build strength and stability in each of those muscle groups – all without any equipment and minimal floor space.
Struggling? Holding a plank for a minute is hard enough, let alone three minutes, so Monique recommends starting with fewer reps. One follower commented on her video: ‘I have tried it. It’s not easy,’ to which Monique advised, ‘Start with less reps and build your endurance slowly.’ Form comes first. A sign you should reduce the number of reps you do is that your shoulders tense up and feel sorer than your core the next day.
You’ll get there.
Bridie is Fitness Director at Women’s Health UK. She spends her days sweating over new workouts, fitness launches and the best home gym kit so you have all that you need to get fit done. Her work has been published in Stylist, Glamour, Cosmopolitan and more. She’s also a part-time yoga teacher with a habit of nodding off mid savasana (not when she’s teaching, promise).
This article was originally published by a . Read the Original article here. .