Amazon rating: 4.0 out of 5
The Fit On Form fitness hoop claims to be an effective form of cardio that can help burn calories and build core strength. It consists of 24 detachable knots, which can be adjusted easily up to 47 to 63 inches according to your waist. The shock-absorbing rollers inside the hoop ensure a smooth and comfortable rotation while using the hoop.
Promising review: “I’ve had this little gadget about 2 weeks now, and I’ve been making myself do it at least 30 minutes every day. My day consists of driving back and forth to work 40 minutes each way, and then sitting in front of a computer ALL day, so I get very little exercise. My body is starting to show it, and I’ve got the menopause belly going on. I knew I needed to do something. This took some practice getting into the rhythm to make this thing swing. I figured out you have to make it as tight as you can, and it also helps me if I put my thumbs in front and push out on it just a little – which I think keeps it level. This way, I can get this thing swinging, and really get my hips into it. I can FEEL the soreness in my hips and legs after I do this for 30 minutes. It is a workout! I set the timer on my phone, and stand in front of the TV, and just go! It passes pretty quickly. I really think I can see some progress in my belly. I haven’t removed any links yet, but I’m determined! I actually feel looser, and feel like I can move better. I’m one that has always hated exercise, but I am really enjoying this method. Give it a try!” —2Okies
Get it from Amazon for $29.99+ (available in three sizes and four colors).
This article was originally published by a . Read the Original article here. .